Self Storage During Modernising your home
Modernising your home is an exciting process. You need to know where you’re going to store all of your house contents. Whilst modernising your home can be a bit difficult as you need your house contents out of the way while also having access to them. Fortunately, Family Movers offer two types of storage options first being House Storage where we offer collection, storage, and delivery of your furniture in the short-term, ideal for having some renovations done. Or secondly self storage where we can offer instant access any time of the day or night by appointment ideal if you feel you may need to access your belonging during the renovation.
Use self storage
If accessibility isn’t going to be an issue for you, you can always choose to store your items in a traditional self storage facility. You may opt to use it just to store the big stuff—like furniture and appliances—and keep smaller items available inside your house. In the event that you can’t transport your things to a self storage facility Family Movers will do the work for you.
Hire a removals company – Family Movers!
Moving heavy furniture and boxes, even if it’s just to the cellar, barn or a storage container in the driveway, can be very difficult. If you’re concerned about tackling this task on your own, consider calling in Family Movers, the professionals, to do it for you. Removal companies can be a godsend during the renovation process.
Rent a self storage container
A portable storage container is like having your very own storage facility located right in your driveway. It’s a popular option for storage during remodelling because it provides you with the ability to completely clear items out of your home while also maintaining the flexibility and convenience of having those items on hand when you need them.
The length of time your portable storage container stays on your property is up to you. Your town or village may have its own rules as well. Be sure to get the necessary permissions ahead of time so you don’t waste time or money. And don’t forget to invest in a heavy-duty lock for your container—the storage company won’t provide one for you.
Designate another room in your home for storage
If you have space in your house that you don’t use often—for example, a guest bedroom, it could be the perfect solution for your storage. If you’re having trouble giving up your space, keep in mind that it will be temporary, and that it’s the most cost effective option you’ve got (provided you’re not updating your entire home at once, in which case you might not have the space to spare).
While it seems like an obvious option, there are a few things to consider when using your own home as a storage space during your remodel. Big projects can easily run off schedule, so you’ll want to be sure to pick a space that you won’t likely need any time soon—your cellar or garage are ideal. Just be careful if you want access to your things not to box important things in. You do not want to move 20 boxes to find that all important slow cooker!
Store your things with a friend or family member
You may not have room in your home to store items during a modernisation, but perhaps you know someone else who does. It’s worth asking around to see if anyone has a bit of space to lend you while you do your renovations, though be sure to ask about any timescales they have in mind for when they want you to pick everything back up. You will also need help moving those big things.
Additional tips for storage during a renovation project
Once you know where you’re going to store your things during a remodel, you’ll have to figure out how. The same rules that apply to any storage situation apply here, too; with the added caveat that you may need to access these items more often than you would if you were storing them for another reason. Because of that, be sure to follow these tips.
Label your boxes. Put together a labelling system so that you can quickly identify what’s where. You can label the contents right on the boxes themselves or you can number the boxes and put together a corresponding spreadsheet with details of what’s inside. If you don’t label your boxes, you risk having to do without whatever is inside of them for the duration of your house update.
Store your most-used items front and centre. Make it easy to grab what you need by storing the items you use the most at the front of your storage pile. Alternately, put those items that you don’t expect to need during your renovation in the back.
Leave a clear path between boxes. For safety and convenience, leave yourself a path between your stored items. That way, you won’t have any trouble getting to an item in the back if you need to.
Try to figure out your storage plan as soon as you decide you are going to renovate. The earlier you can find your ideal storage solution, the more time you can invest on the really important things.